
Jadwal XXI Film The Mother

Jadwal XXI Film The Mother Bioskop 21

Sinopsis Indonesia : Bahasa Indonesia – Sebuah keluarga pindah rumah ke Tenanchaung demi merawat putri mereka yang autis dengan lebih tenang. Rumah baru mereka bergaya kolonial, penuh dengan foto-foto tua dan misteri. Sang putri tidur di siang hari dan baru bangun di malam hari. Ia berubah dari yang emosinya labil menjadi gadis kecil yang sopan dan berlaku manis. Sang ibu pun merasakan dirinya mulai menjadi seorang ibu sejati. Rumah itu semakin aneh hari demi hari dengan misteri yang tak terungkap selama beberapa dasawarsa. Siapakah yang ada di dalam gadis kecil itu, apakah orang yang sama atau ada roh lain? Apakah sang ibu ingin anaknya yang asli kembali lagi? English – A Family move to Tenanchaung just to raise an autistic daughter peacefully. The new colonial style is full of old photo and mystery. The girl sleeps at day and awake at night. She changed from emotionally unstable to a polite and sweet little girl. The mom feels she really became a true mom. The house getting strange day by day with a mystery unsolved for a decades. Who really inside a little girl, the same unstable girl or a spirit? Will the mother want her real daughter back?

Sinopsis English : Bahasa Indonesia – A family moved home to Tenanchaung for the sake of caring for their daughter who is autistic with more calm. Their new home is colonial style, filled with old photos and the mystery. The princess sleeps during the day and waking at night. He changed from that emotionally unstable to be a little girl courteous and polite. The mother also felt himself start to become a true mother. The house was getting weird day by day with the mystery that won’t unfold for a few decades. Who was in that little girl, whether the same person or are there other spirits? Whether the mother wanted her original back again? English – A Family move to Tenanchaung just to raise an autistic daughter peacefully. The new colonial style is full of old photo and the mystery. The girl sleeps at day and awake at night. She changed from emotionally unstable to a polite and sweet little girl. The mom feels she really became a true mom. The house getting strange day by day with a mystery unsolved for decades. Who really inside a little girl, the same unstable girl or a spirit? Will the mother want her real daughter back?

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Jadwal XXI

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